It’s an above average game, but its developers like this that make it difficult to continue buying games on the App store. It’s the same price on both the App store and Steam, but there’s two different updates that they haven’t released for the ios version…pretty big updates too.
On to the game:
It’s fun and dark, but lacks replayability for some very easily fixed reasons. Lack of REAL random events, lack of customization, and easily plateued game play. I’ve played through 3 times and while there are “random” events, they’re always the same, and almost in the exact same order. Promising events that add difficulty like getting sick are easily remedied, they always go from "slightly sick”, and then if you don’t do anything they become “sick”, and then “severely sick”. This 3-tier structure is consistent throughout the game and becomes far too predictable. It’d be awesome if there was more variety.
This is kind of nerdy, but a game like this is begging for mods and more customization, or even an endless mode. There’s only 15 or so locations and they can become monotonous.
Last, and perhaps the biggest drag, is this game is kind of a one trick pony. Once you get to the point of creating an uprgraded herb garden and have your two animal traps you can basically just coast until the end of the game because as long as you have food you’re basically fine unless you mess up.
Holy mako about This War of Mine